
A form of graffiti in marks are etched into windows and other glass surfaces (scratch + graffiti). Also: scratchitti.
Example Citation:
"Some call it scratchiti, a word that lends it an air of near-dignity it hardly deserves. It is the etching of nicknames into subway-car windows and walls, usually by teen-agers armed with keys, coins, razor blades and, if you can believe this, super-sharp rocks formed from lava, to be found in many hardware stores."
— Clyde Haberman, "New Vandals Scratching Up The Subways," The New York Times," January 26, 1999
Earliest Citation:
It is costing the Transit Authority upwards of $ 20 million yearly to combat the "scratchiti" inflicted on us by a new generation of defacers. The money is spent replacing scratched glass and on cleaning crews who can wipe off the lighter scratches.
— Dennis Duggan, "A New War on 'Scratchiti'," Newsday, April 6, 1995
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